Sunday Drive

I had you, yet did not see,
Screech of tyres, tortured metal in distress,
A new cycle of life begun,
Tirade of pain, absence of pleasure.
Blindness, thine are my enemy,
A power over which I hold no control.

Cast thyself back in time,
I beg of you, magically reveal to my eyes,
That which I so miss,
Compensate for this damaged body
Provide what I now lack,
Gift me with a rainbow of colour.

Mother Earth's own light show,
Fairy dance of light off crystal,
The rosy hue of the sculptors imagination.
This blind face fails to know beauty,
My power of touch, it speaks to me,
But can touch show the smile of Mona Lisa?

My colour is black.
Softly close your eyes,
Experience my separation,
Oh vision, how to accept your loss,
Braille, a dog, 
Are these adequate compensation?

I feel you near,
The spirit remains,
Whilst your body doth rot,
That which took my eyes took your life,
Alcohol, the devil in disguise,
The author of pain be myself.


Copyright  July 1999
Maxine Annabell
All Rights Reserved